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Showing up as a Professional

How you represent yourself not only has the potential to impact your reputation, but also your peers and the RTT®/RTC® brand. The way you show up is important.

Here are a few things to consider when it comes to marketing your practice and how ethics play an important part.

Openness and Values

Be clear in who you are and what you stand for. Congruence is key.
Saying one thing but doing another to make a profit is not ethical. It may make you money, but in the long run you will earn a poor reputation. 


Provide factual and unexaggerated information about your products and services and do not mislead.

A good guide is to ask yourself “Can I prove what I am saying?”


Ultimately, you are responsible for what you say and do. The School will give advice and guidance based on UK best practice and Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) guidelines, but you as a business owner are responsible for how you present yourself and your practice. We recommend that you contact the equivalent of the ASA where you live to ensure that you market your practice safely and ethically.