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RTT® Trademarks in Paid Advertising

We understand you will want to advertise your services on platforms such as Google, Facebook or Instagram.

Marisa is so proud of all of her graduates, but we ask that you promote your services in a way that makes it clear that you are offering services and solutions and not leveraging the brand trademarks, for example, RTT®️/RTC®️ to gain an unfair advantage or claiming any direct or indirect associations which are untrue.

When advertising, paid or otherwise, always ensure any claims are true and accurate and do not infer or mislead potential clients.

Paid adverts can be expensive and we advise you to promote the solution, not the product.

Use of any trademarks owned by Marisa or I Am Enough LLC or More Than Enough Ltd must not be used unless they fall within the guidance provided within the Information and Guidance module within the e-learning portal.

We the owners of the trademark reserve the right to update the terms in which the trademark is used at any time, should we believe they are being misused or may have a detrimental impact on the global brand or our graduate body.

We may remove access to them in full or in part, to an individual or to the wider community, this is not something we wish to do, but we do need to ensure that we protect our products and services, ensuring the public are aware of who owns the intellectual property rights.