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Promoting My RTT® Business

We are very proud of our brand and we are also proud that you chose to train with us to support Marisa’s vision of allowing everyone the opportunity to know that they are enough.

We would love you to promote RTT® and your journey and how you are able to create real change for your clients, this is why we have created our Premium Collective subscription as well as Practitioner Marketing.

Marisa has created lots of resources on her YouTube Channel which you can use and as part of the Premium Collective subscription we have also supplied other material for you to use.

As a graduate, you are entitled to use the titles for your given pathway as well as the logos.

We are aware that we restrict certain content but this is to protect the unique tools, but we do encourage you to use your knowledge and share it with others, all we ask is that you give credit to Marisa if the information you are using has been created by her.

The general rule of thumb is that if you can find resources online of Marisa speaking about certain topics then you are fine to do the same. Examples include Rules of the Mind, The Four Roles We Play and The Four R’s of Healthy Eating.

The important thing to remember is you are unique and we encourage you to promote your business on your own ethics and values, using the RTT® tools as a means of promoting real change in the world.