Help Creating Your RTT® Book
We love that our students, graduates, and followers of Marisa love to share her work, in this article, we will cover your obligations and what information we can and cannot provide in regard to support.
All of Maria's work is subject to copyright therefore it can only be used/referenced in certain ways.
The main consideration is, can you find the information you are writing about in the public domain, be that in a book, journal or website?
If the answer is no then assume this is subject to copyright and cannot be used.
If the material is publically available then you should always cite the source in your material, the primary method of doing this, especially in academic journals is a method called Harvard referencing.
Harvard-style referencing is an author/date method. Sources are cited within the body of your work by giving the name of the author(s) followed by the date of publication.
All other details about the publication are given in the list of references or bibliography at the end.
Author surname, initial. (Year)
Article title'/Journal Name/Volume(Issue),pp. page range/Website with date accessed
The reader should be able to find the information you are referencing, whether that be online or in another media format such as a book or journal.
We often get requests for Marisa to write the foreword for people's books, but given the large graduate and student body it would be unfair to ask Marisa to write these for such a large number of people and it also gives an unfair advantage to an individual if Marisa is seen to be favoring one person over another, especially if she does not know them personally.
If the following guidance is followed then there is no requirement to seek permission, however, should you have any queries over copyright, trademark use, or intellectual property then email