Can I create a pre-recorded RTT Session?
RTT is a powerful tool that can unlock deep emotions within clients and was designed primarily to work with clients in a 1 to 1 or therapist/client relationship.
A session would be defined as using the full RTT tool kit - Induction, Investigation, Interruption and Installation (Transformation)
As a practitioner, you ultimately hold the responsibility for client outcomes, but as an organization, we have a moral and ethical duty to the public to ensure RTT is performed as instructed ensuring all clients are safeguarded, the brand is protected, and that actions of other graduates do not impact other graduates.
RTT Can be used for:
1. In-person sessions, either 1 to 1 or as a group, however, you should always consider your responsibility around post-session support and safeguarding. Group sessions ideally should be part of a supported program.
2. Where the method is used outside of this it cannot be considered RTT and therefore the brand must not be used for the following reasons:
a) Reputational damage to the brand when used outside the guidance above
b) Safeguarding clients is key
c) The reputation of RTT is the responsibility of everyone and reputational damage affects everyone, not just you
d) The intellectual property rights are restricted
3. You can of course provide programs outside of this scope but you are not permitted to call it RTT and you are not permitted to just rename the method
You want to pre-record a full RTT session to sell as part of your passive income offering on your website. This would not be permitted as RTT, as it does not meet the legal and ethical requirements of RTT.
Further information about intellectual property and trademarks can be found in your e-learning portal within the Information and Guidance Section.